CHCECE037 Support Children to Connect with the Natural Environment Assignment Help

04 Jan 2024

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CHCECE037 Support Children to Connect with the Natural Environment Assignment Help

Workplace Observation Assessment

Workplace Observation Assessment

Student name


Student email address


Workplace Supervisor name


Workplace Supervisor contact number


Workplace Supervisor email address


Workplace Supervisor title


Workplace Supervisor Qualification

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care

Other Qualification (specify below)

Other Qualification (Industry relevant)


Unit Code and Title

CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment


About this Assessment

This Workplace Observation Assessment requires you to support and encourage children’s connection with the natural environment by:

·         Supporting children in developing an understanding of the natural environment

·         Developing children’s appreciation of the natural environment

·         Enhancing children’s engagement with the natural environment.


Assessment resource requirements

To complete this Workplace Assessment, you must ensure you have:

·         Access to the appropriate resources:

-        Computer, printer, internet, and email software

-        Microsoft Word or a similar program

-        Video recording device to record video in the workplace.

Please note: When video recording any parties for the purpose of assessment, please ensure that necessary permission is sought prior to video recording.

-        A workplace environment that is a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia

-        Children in a regulated education and care service in Australia.

·         Access to the supporting templates and supporting documents

-        National Quality Framework:


-        Access to the National Quality Standard.


-        Access to the relevant approved national learning framework.


-        Service standards, policies and procedures at the workplace for:

o   Physical environment

o   Relationships with children

-        The following documents and templates can be found within this Workplace Observation Assessment:

o   Task 1 Portfolio template

o   Task 2 Outdoor Environment Plan template

o   Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan template

o   Task 2 Implementation template

o   Task 2 Reflection of activities template


Instructions for the Student

You will complete the Workplace Observation Assessment in a regulated children's education and care service in Australia. The tasks within the Workplace Observation Assessment will be completed during the work placement. You will use the following tips to help you complete the activity:

·         Review the task thoroughly before you get started, and make sure you understand what you are required to do. If you have any questions, discuss them with your Workplace Supervisor

·         Consider WHS and always work safely

·         When being observed by your Workplace Supervisor, clearly demonstrate your skills



Instructions for the Workplace Supervisor

Guidance to Workplace Supervisor about this task

This assessment aims for students to demonstrate that they can support children to connect with the natural environment. Specifically, the student needs to demonstrate the following:

·         On three (3) occasions, support children's knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment. At least one of these occasions must involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples' use of the natural environment.

·         Plan and implement two (2) opportunities that encourage children to engage positively with the natural environment, using one indoor and one outdoor opportunity.

You are required to observe the students as they perform the tasks with a group of children.

Observing tasks deliverables

Use the checklist in Task 1 and Task 2 Observation Checklist to record the outcomes of the tasks demonstrated by the students.

For Task 2, while observing the student conducting both the outdoor and indoor activity, the indoor activity must also be video-recorded and submitted so that an assessor can observe the student in conducting this activity.

Arrangements for re-attempting the tasks

Where students do not correctly or adequately demonstrate the skills and knowledge required of this task, they will need to be given feedback. Depending on the level of their performance and the types of areas in which they did not show competence, you may:

·         Let them re-attempt the task immediately after consideration of feedback

·         Request they undertake further learning and re-attempt the task at a later date in this case, provide the student with a new date for the role plays to be undertaken

·         Discuss timeframes for reassessment with the student when you tell them the outcome for this roleplay

Please note: A qualified trainer and assessor will review and assess all the submitted comments and assessment evidence to determine the students' competence and abilities against the unit of competency requirements. A trainer and assessor will ensure each assessment has been sufficiently completed and determine the final assessment outcome.


Instructions for Video Observations

When there are practical tasks and scenarios that must be performed and recorded in the workplace involving interaction with children, families, and colleagues, please ensure you read  the “Submitting Video Assessments” attachment for instructions on where to upload and submit the video.



Task 1: Support Children’s Knowledge and Understanding of the Natural Environment


                Task overview

For this part of the assessment, you will demonstrate and document three (3) examples to show that you have supported children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment in your workplace, including one (1) Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander inspired experience and explain your experience.

Task 1 Instructions

To complete this task, you and your Workplace Supervisor will need to:

·         Ensure this task is completed at the workplace, on your placement

·         Ensure you make a portfolio by using the Task 1 Portfolio template provided. The portfolio must consist of the following:

-        Documentation of three (3) examples that show you have supported children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment in your own workplace out of which one (1) experience must relate to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples use of natural environment

o   Documentation may include child observations, Learning Stories, program evaluations, daily diaries, curriculum and/or lesson plans you have developed to support children’s learning, photographs of yourself working alongside children during a nature project or photographs of a nature display/learning experience you have created indoors which may include but is not limited to:

§  Nature experiences, e.g., touch, taste, sight, smell, sound

§  STEM projects, e.g., natural phenomena- weather, seasons, day/night

§  Projects that allow for exploration of interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land, e.g. worm farm, composting, going on excursions to natural bushland

§  Heuristic play experiences, e.g. collections of natural materials such as shells, feathers, smooth river stones, pine-cones

§  Collages made with natural materials such as twigs, soil, dried native flowers and gum nuts

§  Day-to-day routines such as composting fruit and vegetable leftovers from mealtimes

Please note: The above examples of learning experiences are a list of suggestions and not mandatory.

·         Ensure that you provide a written response describing how the documented examples relate to you directly supporting children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment

Important: While in the workplace, student interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator at all times.

Preparing the Portfolio

You must follow the instructions provided when preparing the portfolio using the Task 1 Portfolio template.

·         You must title each of the three (3) experiences and identify them by the title on the Task 1 Portfolio template.

·         You will use the below-specified form of evidence to create the portfolio:

-        Photographs (for privacy reasons, please ensure that the children are non-identifiable, which means there are no visible images of children)

·         Your portfolio must be presented within the Portfolio Template. Attach each document/piece of evidence to this template before submitting.

·         You must also support your documentation by providing a written response describing how these documents demonstrate three (3) examples of you directly supporting children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment. Provide your written response for each document in the space(s) provided within the Portfolio Template.

·         You must identify and use opportunities to discuss with children the natural environment and the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land.

The natural environment may include, but is not limited to:

-        Mountains

-        Valley

-        Rivers

-        Forest

-        Sand

-        Water

-        Rocks

-        Plants

Interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land may include the teachings of the following:

-        The purpose of tress and oxygen

-        Growth of fruits and vegetables

-        Ecosystems provide homes for species

-        Using animals for food and drinks

-        Animals providing manure for plant growth

-        Interdependence of insects and plants

·         You will model and demonstrate respect, care and appreciation for both natural and constructed environments.

Constructed environments may include but are not limited to:

-        Houses

-        Buildings

-        Bridges

-        Parks and gardens

-        Streets

Natural environments may include but are not limited to:

-        Mountains

-        Valleys

-        Rivers

-        Forests

·         You must provide children with information and access to resources about the environment and the impact of activities on natural environments. Resources may include, but are not limited to:

-        Songs

-        Storybooks

-        Poster and images

-        Video clips

-        Puzzles

-        Games

·         You must identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples connection with and use of the natural environment. This may include, but is not limited to:

-        Acknowledging the Aboriginal history and original ownership of land on which they reside

-        The practice of paying respect to elder's past, present and emerging

-        Implementing experiences and opportunities for children to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples connection to the land and how they use the natural environment. This can be done through the following practices:

o   Intentionally planned experiences focused on using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples practices

o   Incursions and excursions connecting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

o   Yarning circle

o   Acknowledgement of land every morning

Task resource requirements

·         Access to Workplace Supervisor to sign the documentation submitted

·         Access to a computer, internet and software for research purposes

·         Access to a regulated education and care service in Australia

·         Access to children in a regulated education and care service

·         Access to the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care


·         Access to the National Quality Standard


·         Access to the relevant approved national learning framework


·         Access to organisational standards, policies and procedures for:

-        Physical environment

-        Relationships with children




(Workplace Supervisor to complete)

Task 1 Observation Task Checklist (To be completed by the Workplace Supervisor)

Instructions: Please tick ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each item in the list below

Occasion 1

Occasion 1

Occasion 2

Occasion 2

Occasion 3

Occasion 3







During all three (3) occasions, did you observe the student:

1.    Identify and use opportunities to discuss the natural environment and the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land with children.

Workplace Supervisor to tick the appropriate natural environment discussed by the student. It can be more than one option. If any other option has been discussed, please specify in ‘others’

·         Natural environments may include but are not limited to the following:

a.    Mountains

b.    Valleys

c.     Rivers

d.    Forest

e.    Sand

f.     Water

g.    Rocks

h.    Plants

i.      Others:


Workplace Supervisor to tick the appropriate topic discussed by the student. It can be more than one option. If any other option has been discussed, please specify in ‘others’

·         Interdependence between people, plants, animals and land includes teaching about the following:

a.    The purpose of oxygen and tress

b.    Growth of fruits and vegetables

c.     Ecosystems providing homes for species

d.    Using animals for food and drinks

e.    Animals providing manure for plant growth

f.     Interdependence of insects and plants

g.    Others: __________

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

2.    Be a role model and demonstrate care and appreciation for both natural and constructed environment by:

·         Demonstrating respect and care for the environment

·         Discussing with children on the following topics for the constructed and natural environment, which may include but is not limited to:

Constructed environment

·         Using resources properly

·         Keeping the environment clean

·         Allowing fresh and natural air by opening doors and windows

·         Recycling materials

·         Using both sides of notepaper

Natural environment

·         Walking on supplied paths and not on gardens

·         Only using flowers and leaves that have fallen from the tree

·         Grow and use fruits and vegetables from the garden

·         Picking up litter

·         Watering plants and gardens

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

3.    Determine suitable resources for children about the environment and provide access to the children with information and the impact of activities on the natural environment

·         Resources may include but are not limited to the following:

-        Songs

-        Storybooks

-        Poster and images

-        Video clips

-        Puzzles

-        Games

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

The student on at least one (1) of the occasions must involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ use of the natural environment. The Workplace Supervisor must tick the occasion for which the student has demonstrated the involvement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples' use of the natural environment.

4.    Identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection with and use of the natural environment

·         Acknowledging the Aboriginal history and original ownership of land on which they reside

·         The practice of paying respect to elder's past, present and emerging

·         Implementing experiences and opportunities for children to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples connection to the land and how they use the natural environment. This can be done through the following practices:

-        Intentionally planned experiences focused on using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples practices

-        Incursions and excursions connecting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

-        Yarning circle

-        Acknowledgement of land every morning

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)


Workplace Supervisor feedback about the student’s overall performance during this task. Comments must describe what the student actually did and how they met the requirements of each observable task. Feedback can be specific to the tasks.


Student name


Student signature


Date signed


Workplace Supervisor name


Workplace Supervisor signature


Date signed



*Note to Workplace Supervisor

It is a requirement that all signatures must be done by hand or by inserting a proper electronic signature, where the image is fixed and cannot be moved.


*Trainer and Assessor details and marking may be completed using the internal Learning Management System – rather than signing the paper-based copy.


Assessor Overall Feedback


Not Yet Satisfactory  








Task 1 Portfolio Template

Task 1 Portfolio Template

Document three examples of supporting children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment in your workplace, including at least one experience which relates to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples use of the natural environment.

Example One Title:


Link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people’s use of the natural environment?
Please tick if appropriate for Example 1.



List all documents provided in your portfolio submission below to evidence how you supported children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

For each example, provide a written response below that describes how these documents relate to you directly supporting children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

Explain your teaching strategies and any open-ended questions you asked children.

Include an explanation of the link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people's use of the natural environment if relevant for this example.



Example Two Title:


Link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people’s use of the natural environment?
Please tick if appropriate for Example 2.



List all documents provided in your portfolio submission below to evidence how you supported children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

For each example, provide a written response below that describes how these documents relate to you, directly supporting children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

Explain your teaching strategies and any open-ended questions you asked children.

Include an explanation of the link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people's use of the natural environment if relevant for this example.



Example Three Title:


Link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people’s use of the natural environment?
Please tick if appropriate for Example 3.



List all documents provided in your portfolio submission below to evidence how you supported children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

For each example, provide a written response below that describes how these documents relate to you, directly supporting children's knowledge and understanding of the natural environment.

Explain your teaching strategies and any open-ended questions you asked children.

Include an explanation of the link to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people's use of the natural environment if relevant for this example.



Workplace Supervisor verification

Workplace Supervisor to sign and date in order to verify the student’s documents were collected in the workplace.

Workplace Supervisor’s Name:

(Please print)

Workplace Supervisor’s Job Title:

(Please print)

Workplace Supervisor’s Signature:

(Please sign)







Task 2: Outdoor and Indoor Learning Experiences


Description: Icon

Description automatically generated                Task overview

For this part of the assessment, you must plan, implement and reflect on one (1) learning experience in the outdoor environment and one (1) learning experience in the indoor environment that encourages children to engage with nature positively.

Task 2 Instructions

To complete this task, you and your Workplace Supervisor will need to:

·         Ensure this task is completed in the workplace, on your placement

·         Ensure you plan and implement two (2) opportunities that encourage children to engage positively with the natural environment, using at least one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor activity

·         The indoor learning experience will need to be observed by an Assessor as well as your Workplace Supervisor. In order to do this, the activity will be video recorded as per instructions, and then the recording will be submitted into your My eCampus portal, where an Assessor will observe and mark the assessment.

·         Prior to recording the experience you must have the consent of the parents/families of children involved.

Instructions for Students to complete Task 2


·         You are required to carefully plan at least one (1) outdoor learning experience and one (1) indoor learning experience to support children to engage positively within the natural environment and use the Task 2 Outdoor Environment Plan template and Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan template

·         When planning the use of natural and recycled materials, you must ensure that you create the learning experience according to the service policies and procedures of the workplace and the need for particular experiences

·         The plan for both indoor and outdoor learning activities must include the following:

-        Purpose

-        Link to the relevant approved learning framework and learning outcome

-        Materials or resources required, including natural and recycled materials where possible

-        Learning opportunities provided within the learning experience must individually or collectively include:

o   Opportunities for children to discover both natural and constructed (man-made) environment(s)

o   Opportunities that encourage children to show respect for the natural environment

o   Opportunities for children to experience growth and care of living things

-        Talking Points to support conversations throughout the learning experience must individually or collectively include:

o   Interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

o   Information about the environment and the impact of activities on natural environments

o   Opportunities as to how children can reduce their impact on the natural environment.


·         You will be observed by your Workplace Supervisor while you implement the experiences for at least one (1) outdoor activity and one (1) indoor activity for children. In addition, your indoor activity will be video recorded and submitted along with the rest of your work to be observed by an Assessor (You MUST have all parents/families of children being recorded complete the Parental Consent Form included with this assessment). You will use the Task 2 Implementation template to record your implementation for both learning experiences.

·         You will implement your planned learning activity with a group of children for which your experience is planned for. You will carry out your experiences under the direct supervision of your Workplace Supervisor.

·         As above, it is a requirement for your indoor activity that it is video recorded so that it can be observed by an Assessor. To do this, arrangements will need to be made with your Workplace Supervisor to video record the experience while you are conducting it. The video footage will then be submitted into My eCampus to be viewed by an Assessor.

·         You must focus on building rapport with the children and engaging them in discussions about the experience using intentional teaching and open-ended questions.

·         You must provide three (3) photographs as evidence of implementation for each experience (three (3) photographs for the indoor learning experience and three (3) photographs for the outdoor learning experience) within the task templates.

During the implementation of the indoor and outdoor learning, your Workplace Supervisor and Assessor will be looking to see that you can:

·         Assist children to develop an understanding, care and respect for the natural environment. This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Access to a garden where children can grow their own plants

-        Sandpits for sensory, symbolic and physical play

-        Digging patches where children can use garden equipment

-        Encouraging various modes of play such as playing with nuts, small branches, flowers, stones and bark

·         Give children information/knowledge and resources about the natural environment.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Providing access to a range of natural material

-        Finding ways that children can care and learn from the land

-        Sharing information about trees, plants, water, mountains, sand via storybooks, songs, video clips

·         Encourage the use of natural and recycled materials in your learning experience.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Using recycled material such as cardboard to make stop signs and traffic lights

-        Using recycled materials such as pipes, jars to play

-        Using bottles, tubes and containers to learn about measurements

-        Using natural resources such as grass, water, rocks and shells during play

·         Give occasion for children to explore the natural environment and some of the constructed within the community.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Walking barefoot, running in tall grass, falling into the water, being in the rain

-        Community garden, local zoo or aquarium

·         Explain to the children about their ability to minimise negative impacts on the natural environment.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Conserving water

-        Turning the lights off when leaving the room

-        Planting trees

·         Support children to show respect and care for the natural environment.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Ensuring that plants are not stood on

-        Ensuring insects are not removed from their natural environment

-        Ensuring insects are not harmed or hurt

·         Give occasion for children to experience growth and care of living things.

This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Developing empathy for animals and pets by:

o   Feeding the animal

o   Cleaning the cage of the animal

o   Providing a calm and gentle environment for the service


·         After you have completed the implementation of one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor learning experience for children, you must use the Task 2 Reflection of activities template.

Task resource requirements

·         Access to Workplace Supervisor to sign the documentation submitted

·         Access to a computer, internet and software for research purposes

·         Access to video recording device to record video in the workplace

·         Access to a regulated education and care service in Australia

·         Access to children in a regulated education and care service

·         Task 2 Outdoor Environment Plan template

·         Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan template

·         Task 2 Implementation template

·         Task 2 Reflection of activities template

·         Parental Consent Form

·         Access to the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care

Source: (accessed 07/09/2019)

·         Access to the National Quality Standard

Source: (accessed 07/09/2019).

·         Access to the relevant approved national learning framework

Source: (accessed 07/09/2019)

·         Access to organisational standards, policies and procedures for:

·         Physical environment

·         Relationships with children




Task 2 Outdoor Environment Plan Template

Step 1: Plan

Description of the experience and Purpose/Objective of the experience.


Link to the approved learning framework and learning outcomes.

Include any relevant:





Materials or resources required.

Include natural and recycled materials where possible.


Learning opportunities are provided within the learning experience.

Identify which learning opportunities are provided within the learning experience by checking the box and explain how this learning experience will support this opportunity or opportunities.

Learning opportunities must individually or collectively include the below:

   Opportunities for children to discover both natural and constructed (man-made) environment(s)

   Opportunities that encourage children to show respect for the natural environment

   Opportunities for children to experience growth and care of living things.

Identify the above opportunities for this experience and explain below how this learning experience supports the above learning opportunity or opportunities.


Talking points to support conversations throughout the learning experience.

Identify which talking points will be used to support conversations throughout the learning experience by checking the box and explaining how you plan to engage children in these talking points.

Talking Points to support conversations throughout the learning experience must individually or collectively include:

   Interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

   Information about the environment and the impact of activities on natural environments

   Opportunities as to how children can reduce their impact on the natural environment.

Identify the above talking points to support conversations throughout the learning experience and explain how you plan to engage children in these talking points below.



(Workplace Supervisor to Complete)

Task 2A Observation Task Checklist for Outdoor activity
(To be completed by the Workplace Supervisor)



Instructions: Please tick ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each item in the list below

Outdoor Activity

Outdoor Activity



During the implementation of the outdoor activity, did you observe the student:



1.  Use appropriate oral communication skills with children to build a rapport and:

·         Assist the children in developing an understanding, care and respect for the natural environment, which may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Providing access to a garden where children can grow their own plants

-        Sandpits for sensory, symbolic and physical play

-        Digging patches where children can use garden equipment

-        Encouraging various modes of play such as playing with nuts, small branches, flowers, stones and bark

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Use appropriate resources to provide knowledge to the children about the natural environment by:

-        Providing access to a range of natural material

-        Finding ways that children can care and learn from the land

-        Sharing information about trees, plants, water, mountains, sand via storybooks, songs, video clips

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Encouraging the use of natural and recycled materials in learning environments according to the workplace's service policies and procedures and the need for the particular experiences. This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Using recycled material such as cardboard to make stop signs and traffic lights

-        Using recycled materials such as pipes, jars to play

-        Using bottles, tubes and containers to learn about measurements

-        Using natural resources such as grass, water, rocks and shells during play

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Provide opportunities to children to explore the natural and constructed environment within the community which includes but is not limited to the following:

-        Walking barefoot, running in tall grass, falling into water, being in the rain

-        Community garden, local zoo or aquarium

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Explain the ways of minimising negative impacts on the natural environment which includes but is not limited to the following:

-        Conserving water

-        Turning the lights off when leaving the room

-        Planting trees

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Support children to show respect and care for the natural environment by discussing the following:

-        Ensuring that plants are not stood on

-        Ensuring insects are not removed from their natural environment

-        Ensuring insects are not harmed or hurt

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)

·         Provide an opportunity for children to experience the growth and care of living things. This may include but is not limited to the following:

-        Developing empathy for animals and pets by:

o   Feeding the animal

o   Cleaning the cage of the animal

o   Providing a calm and gentle environment for the service

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify

Second attempt (if first was not satisfactory)


Workplace Supervisor feedback about the student’s overall performance during this task. Comments must describe what the student actually did and how they met the requirements of each observable task. Feedback can be specific to the tasks.


Student name


Student signature


Date signed


Workplace Supervisor name


Workplace Supervisor signature


Date signed



*Note to Workplace Supervisor

It is a requirement that all signatures must be done by hand or by inserting a proper electronic signature, where the image is fixed and cannot be moved.


*Trainer and Assessor details and marking may be completed using the internal Learning Management System – rather than signing the paper-based copy.


Assessor Overall Feedback


Not Yet Satisfactory  








Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan Template

Step 1: Plan

Description of the experience and Purpose/Objective of the experience.


Link to the approved learning framework and learning outcomes.

Include any relevant:





Materials or resources required.

Include natural and recycled materials where possible.


Learning opportunities are provided within the learning experience.

Identify which learning opportunities are provided within the learning experience by checking the box and explain how this learning experience will support this opportunity or opportunities.

Learning opportunities must individually or collectively include the below:

   Opportunities for children to discover both natural and constructed (man-made) environment(s)

   Opportunities that encourage children to show respect for the natural environment

   Opportunities for children to experience growth and care of living things.

Identify the above opportunities for this experience and explain below how this learning experience supports the above learning opportunity or opportunities.


Talking points to support conversations throughout the learning experience.

Identify which talking points will be used to support conversations throughout the learning experience by checking the box and explaining how you plan to engage children in these talking points.

Talking Points to support conversations throughout the learning experience must individually or collectively include:

   Interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

   Information about the environment and the impact of activities on natural environments

   Opportunities as to how children can reduce their impact on the natural environment.

Identify the above talking points to support conversations throughout the learning experience and explain how you plan to engage children in these talking points below.




Task 2B Video Observation Task Guide (Indoor activity)


·         The student must complete the following tasks

·         The Workplace Supervisor must video record the student performing these tasks

Use the Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan (located in this document) to implement the indoor learning activity.

Use appropriate oral communication skills with children to build a rapport and:

·         Assist the children in developing an understanding, care and respect for the natural environment, which may include but is not limited to the following:

-                        Potting plants or seeds (herbs or small plant)

-                        Building a worm garden indoors using old fish tanks

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

·         Use appropriate resources to provide knowledge to the children about the natural environment by discussing about:

-        Plants and soil

-        Seed pods, flowers and rocks

-        Sharing information about trees, plants, water, mountains, sand via storybooks, songs, video clips

-                        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

·         Encouraging the use of natural and recycled materials in learning environments according to the workplace's service policies and procedures and the need for the particular experiences. This may include but is not limited to the following:

-                        Using recycled material such as cardboard to make stop signs and traffic lights

-                        Using recycled materials such as pipes, jars to play

-                        Using bottles, tubes and containers to learn about measurements

-        Using clay to make different shapes

-        Using sticks and branches to create music

-        Using recycled resources such as cardboard boxes, office paper, newspaper and cereal/snack boxes to create a home corner

-                        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

·         Explain the ways of minimising negative impacts on the natural environment which includes but is not limited to the following:

-                        Conserving water

-                        Turning the lights off when leaving the room

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

·         Support children to show respect and care for the natural environment by discussing the following:

-                        Ensuring children learn to care for the potted plants placed inside the room

-        Interdependence between plants, animals and land

-        Keeping the environment safe and healthy

-        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

·         Provide an opportunity for children to experience the growth and care of living things. This may include but is not limited to the following:

-                        Developing empathy for animals and pets by:

o   Feeding the animal

o   Cleaning the cage of the animal

o   Providing a calm and gentle environment for the service

-        Planting the seedling

-        Watering the seedling

-                        Others: __________________________________
(Please specify)

Use the Task 2 Implementation template (located in this document) and attach three (3) photographs as evidence of implementation for indoor activity.



Assessor feedback about the student’s overall performance during this task. Comments must describe what the student actually did and how they met the requirements of each observable task. Feedback can be specific to the tasks.


Student name


Student signature


Date signed


Assessor name


Assessor signature


Date signed



*Note to Assessor

It is a requirement that all signatures must be done by hand or by inserting a proper electronic signature, where the image is fixed and cannot be moved.


*Trainer and Assessor details and marking may be completed using the internal Learning Management System – rather than signing the paper-based copy.


Assessor Overall Feedback


Not Yet Satisfactory  







Task 2 Implementation Template

Outdoor Environment – Implementation Template

Step 2. Implementation

Provide three (3) photographs as evidence of implementation. Use the space below to paste three (3) photographs of you implementing the experience.


Photographic evidence 1:


Photographic evidence 2:


Photographic evidence 3:


Name of the Workplace Supervisor






Indoor Environment – Implementation Template

Step 2. Implementation

Provide three (3) photographs as evidence of implementation. Use the space below to paste three (3) photographs of you implementing the experience.


Photographic evidence 1:


Photographic evidence 2:


Photographic evidence 3:


Name of the Workplace Supervisor






Task 2 Reflection of Activities Template


Written response (write your response using the space provided)

Explain how you incorporated natural and recycled materials into the learning experience?


Provide an example of how you explained the concept of interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land.


What types of ‘impact’ on natural environments did you speak with the children about? Give one example.


Reflect on what you taught the children about their ability to reduce their footprint on the natural environment.


Reflect on how you as an educator role modelled respect, care and appreciation for the environment.


Reflect on your intentional teaching approach and rapport with the children.


Workplace Supervisor verification

Workplace Supervisor to sign and date in order to verify that the student has completed the above tasks in the workplace.

Workplace Supervisor’s Name:

(Please print)

Workplace Supervisor’s Job Title:

(Please print)



Workplace Supervisor’s Signature:

(Please sign)






Submission checklist


General instructions for the student:

·         Ensure that all signatures/initials in your submissions must be dated.

·         Complete the assessment sub-tasks in the order given.

·         You must ensure that you read all instructions carefully before the task begins.

·         You MUST submit all the evidence as specified below.

·         Should you have any concerns, please contact Foundation Education.


The student has completed the Workplace Assessment Tasks and submitted the evidence for each Part and/or Task as specified below: Please tick mark against each evidence submitted by the student.

Tick mark against each evidence submitted by the student.

Task 1: Support children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural environment

·         Task 1 Portfolio template

Task 2: Outdoor and Indoor learning experiences

·         Task 2 Outdoor Environment Plan template

·         Task 2 Indoor Environment Plan template

·         Task 2 Implementation template

·         Task 2 Reflection of activities template

·         Task 2B video recording of indoor activity uploaded to My eCampus




Submission Instructions

Please proofread your work and save a copy of your assessment to keep in your own records.

Save the document to include your name in the file for example:

CHCECE037 – Workplace Observation Assessment – Your Name

Submit your completed assessment for marking by your assessor.


Assessor Overall Feedback


Not Yet Satisfactory  








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