CRN16438 Project Organisation & Strategy Assignment Help

12 Dec 2023

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                    MSc Project Management

              MSc Construction Management

                     Project Organisation & Strategy

                                      CRN16438 Level 7

Assessment Overview


Project Management has proved to be a strategic competency for driving change for organisations, yet many projects across the public and private sector fail due to different reasons. As per the insights from the Association for Project Management (APM, 2022), various factors such as digital/technological advancements, diversity, and inclusion are anticipated to significantly transform the landscape for project managers in the future. This means project management as a profession should cultivate innovative approaches that facilitate seamless adaptation to emerging changes. At a time of extraordinary challenges, organisations would benefit from making these strategic investments to create a future- focused and change-adapting culture. The modern project management toolkit aims to direct projects using multiple approaches.


Therefore, for the second component of the coursework for this module, you are required to carry out a Systematic Literature Review on one of the allocated topics listed below aimed on the future of project management. The systematic literature review should, amongst other things, critically discuss issues relating to the challenges/advantages/disadvantages and implication for the future direction of project management. You are required to do a broad yet critical literature review on the following topic and provide an evidence-based argument. You need to use a wide range of resources and fully reference them according to Harvard Style.


List of Topics


Ø  Topic 1: Investigating the applicability, challenges and benefits of scaling agile project management to large/complex projects.

Ø  Topic 2: Sustainability ‘by’ the project – projects as catalysts of sustainability transitions for organisations and societies.

Ø  Topic 3: Programme Management of Major Infrastructure Projects – achieving sustainability at scale.

Ø  Topic 4: The negative and positive effects of projectification for societies and organisations.


As discussed in the class, you will be allocated one of the above topics and need to conduct the literature review on the allocated topic. The allocation list has been uploaded separately.

Learning Outcomes:


By completing this assignment, students are expected to:


1.       Demonstrate Mastery of Research Skills:

·         Conduct a systematic search of relevant literature using appropriate databases and search strategies.

2.       Critical Appraisal of Literature:

·         Critically evaluate the quality and relevance of selected research articles.

·         Synthesise findings from different studies to identify patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing literature.

3.       Effective Communication:

·         Present a well-structured and coherent review of the literature.

·         Clearly articulate the significance of the research question and the implications of the findings.


Assignment Tasks:


1.       Introduction:

·         Formulate a clear and concise introductory argument that aligns with the scope of your systematic literature review.

2.       Research Methodology:

·         Use appropriate databases and search engines to identify relevant scholarly articles.

·         Document and justify your search strategy, including keywords, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and databases used.

3.       Critical Appraisal of Selected Literature:

·         Evaluate the methodological rigor and quality of each selected article and briefly discuss the strengths and limitations of each study.

4.       Synthesise and Analyse Findings:

·         Synthesise the key findings from the selected studies.

·         Analyse and compare results across studies to identify common themes, contradictions, or gaps in the literature.

5.       Discussion:

·         Organise the literature review into a clear and logical structure, and present a well-written and coherent argument.

6.       Conclusion and Implications:

·         Summarise the main findings of your systematic literature review.

·         Discuss the implications of the review for future research or practical applications in the field.


Submission Guidance


The word limit for this assignment is 5,000 words (+/- 10%). Submission will be via Turnitin and it is due for 11:59 pm on Wednesday 10th January 2024. Any late submissions will be subject to appropriate sanctions in accordance with university regulations.


You are required to do a broad yet critical literature review on the following topic and provide an evidence-based argument. You need to use a wide range of resources and fully reference them according to Harvard Style. You can use any case studies and examples of projects in this area and use it to support your argument, if appropriate.

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